Diet-Free Fat Loss Masterclass
A FREE 5-day masterclass that will teach you everything you need to lose body fat and keep it off confidently.
Action Steps From Lesson 1:
Assess whether you are currently eating in a calorie deficit. You can use the calculation shared here.
HINT: if you’re not losing weight, you’re not eating in a caloric deficit
Think about diets you’ve tried in the past and assess what behaviors helped you to create a caloric deficit (e.g. eating more healthy fats, eating more whole foods, eating at home vs. eating out, etc.)
Ask yourself if you could commit to those behaviors long-term
If not, it doesn’t belong in your diet-free fat loss formula
Action Steps From Lesson 2:
1. Identify your fixed mindset thoughts (e.g. I can't do it, I lack willpower, etc.) and reframe them into growth mindset thoughts (e.g. I’m learning how to do this, I am working on growing my willpower, etc.)
2. Challenge your all-or-nothing mindset by recognizing that all foods can fit into a healthy, balanced relationship with food. Resist the urge to restrict or eliminate and focus instead of finding “good enough”.
3. Identify your emotional eating triggers and brainstorm non-food related coping strategies for dealing with negative emotions. Commit to trying one of these strategies before reaching for food.
Action Steps From Lesson 3:
Practice eating only when you’re truly, physiologically hungry and stopping when you’re satisfied, rather than stuffed
Swap out something processed/low-volume/low-nutrient from your day for something less processed/higher-volume/and higher in nutrients and see how you feel
E.g. Swap out your AM Granola bar for 2 eggs on toast
E.g. Swap out your afternoon latte for an apple and string cheese
Action Steps From Lesson 4:
1. Notice the thoughts you have surrounding food and body, questioning whether they are your own or come from diet culture. Reframe these thoughts, as necessary by asking, “Is this true/helpful? Who benefits from me thinking this?”
2. Have conversations with people in your life about specific ways they can support you along this journey and clean up your social media feed so you’re surrounded by people who inspire you as opposed to those who make you feel worse about yourself.
3. Avoid comparison and pain shopping as a way of self-sabotage by reminding yourself that you never truly know what is going on with someone else, and turn your focus to the things you can control.
For example, Commit to celebrating at least 1 win, no matter how small, everyday.
Action Steps From Lesson 5:
Pick ONE strategy from today’s lesson that you want to work on in an effort to create a caloric deficit and stick with that strategy for 2 consistent weeks (aiming for 80% + compliance) before re-assessing or adding anything.
If you’re losing ½ pound to 2 pounds per week with your strategy, STICK WITH IT until it stops working.
If you’re not seeing progress with your current strategy, or your progress plateaus (which is normal), add another strategy and commit to doing both things for 2 weeks with 80% + consistency.
If you’ve enjoyed what you learned throughout this masterclass and would like some additional support implementing these sustainable fat loss strategies in your life, reach out! We would love to help you reach your sustainable fat loss goals and gift you a discounted rate as a result of your dedication throughout this masterclass.